
Job search is a real challenge these days. You have to compete with dozens of good candidates to get your place under the sun. And the first thing you need to succeed is a good resume. It is your only chance to make a first impression and to stand out among other people. However, a really good paper can do more for you — it can boost your career and open the door to incredible opportunities.Without any doubt, writing a resume is not that easy. You can’t just list your previous jobs, educational institutions, and skills. According to a specific job vacancy, you need to suit the paper, find the right words to describe your personality and impress the hiring manager. Besides, you may need some other papers during the job search process, e.g. cover letter, follow-up letter, CV, and so on. 

What Is the Resumesarea?

Resumesarea is a professional resume writing service that can help you when you need it so much. It means you shouldn’t worry about the overall process yourself — just order a resume, and it will be written by a seasoned author who knows the winning secrets.But how can you know that this company will not let you down? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What else should you know to make the right choice? We are going to answer these questions in our review! So, if you’re looking for an unbiased opinion, you’re surely in the right place. 

Resumesarea Offered Services

The first thing that you need to consider is the company’s list of services. Resumesarea can:

  • write a resume for you;
  • edit your resume if you already have a draft;
  • write your CV;
  • edit your CV;
  • boost your LinkedIn profile
When you place the order on the website, you can choose one or several services that you need. Pay attention to the fact that they provide you with unique papers according to your requirements, not with basic templates that you can download from the Internet. It means you’ll receive a personalized document matching your expectations! 

Resumesarea Prices and Discount

Writing different reviews, we know for sure that a lot of companies have incredibly high prices for their resume services. It is because they believe that job seekers don’t have another choice. But you should understand that resume writing is not rocket science. Yes, it is some kind of art, and it definitely requires the author to be smart, educated, and creative. But this service can’t be very expensive. You’re looking for a job to earn money, not to waste it in vain!

That’s why we can’t just ignore the pricing in our Resumesarea review. They don’t have a Prices page on their website, but it won’t take you too long to find the big Order button. Tap it to proceed to the section with all prices.

And you know what? You will like them!

Their prices depend on 3 aspects:

  1. Your career level;
  2. Urgency;
  3. Type of service.
It means that if you’re a fresh graduate without experience, you shouldn’t pay $100+ for your resume. If you have enough time, choose the 7-days deadline, and pay only $66.99. Obviously, if you need a more complicated document (or more urgent), you will pay more. But this pricing is transparent, so that you shouldn’t worry about any hidden payments.